Destroyer HMS Mahratta G23.

Destroyer HMS Mahratta G23. Sailor’s that Served and died on board HMS Mahratta War Memorial Panels Photo's of the Crew: No 1-29. Photo's of the Crew: No 30-69 Photo's of the Crew: 70 and up HMS Mahratta Group Photo's No1-40. HMS Mahratta Group Photo's No 41+ Photo's of HMS Mahratta Old Newspaper Clippings Short story's about HMS Mahratta HMS Mahratta;- Service Summary 1943-44. HMS Mahratta Report and the Report on the Mahratta Swords. HMS Marksman and HMS Maratta Crest's Convoy and Operation Details 1943-44. The Russian Convoy Club; The Arctic Lookout. Jack Humble and Me at the Cove, Loch Ewe Looking for Contact with the following Family's About me and In Memory of my wife

In Memory of HMS Mahratta G23.


They have no grave but the cruel sea, 

No flowers lay at their head,

A rusting hull is their tombstone, 

Afast on the ocean bed,

We shall not forget.  

     By Bill Welch (1941-1945 The Arctic Lookout Number 33 Winter 1998)


I would like to thank everyone that has helped me build up this site, lets hope more crew member photo's will come forward next year.

Please contact me at  if you wish me to add any information that is missing or you have a photo of one of the crew members.
Please state HMS Mahratta in subject.

In Memory of David Lewis Morgan, D/KX528819. (Stoker 2nd Class), and all the crew of HMS Mahratta.

David Lewis Morgan D/KX 518819. Stoker 2nd Class, went to HMS Duke on the 22-6-1943 to 31-8-1943, he then went to HMS Drake on the 1-9-1943 to 11-10-1943 and then went on board HMS Mahratta on the 12-10-1943, the Destroyer sunk on 25-2-1944.

The Destroyer sunk at position 71,12N. 13.30E, Only 16 of the crew survived out of the 236 on board.

Convoy JW-57 was attacked on the 25th February 1944, off Norway.

The Destroyer HMS Mahratta, was sunk by U-956.

HMS Mahratta was hit and blew up at 2215. HMS Mahratta may have been hit by a T5 from U-956, whose firing time was 0007 German Summer time, which translates into 2207 GMT.

(U-990 fired a T5 Gant at 2055 German Summer time, which is 1855 GMT, that works out almost 4 hours off the time).

Laid Down; 18th August 1941.  

Launched; 28th July 1942.  

Completed; 8th April 1943.

Lenght; 362ft.   Beam; 37ft.   Drought; 10ft.   Displacement; 1920 tons.

Main Armament;  

Six 4.7in power operated gun,  Four 21in torpedo tubes. 

One 4in AA gun,  Four 2 pdr pom-poms,  Ten 20mm oerlikons.

30 depth charges.

Machinery; Geared turbines on two shafts, 48000shp,    Max speed of 36 knots.

Visitors; 57990

  ©  All rights reserved

Nationality; British.   Type; Destroyer. G23



FJ, 2-6-1943.  

FH, 8-6-1943.  

Camera, 7-7-1943.  

SF, 30-7-1943.  

Governor, 26-7-1943.  

Lorry or Lozry, 26-8-1943. 


Sailed on Convoys;    

FR, 20-10-1943 - 28-10-1943.

RA-54A, 1-11-1943 - 14-11-1943.

JW-54A, 15-11-1943 - 24-11-1943.

RA-54B, 26-11-1943 - 9-12-1943.

JW-56B, 22-1-1944 - 1-2-1944.

RA-56, 3-2-1944 - 11-2-1944.

JW-57, 20-2-1944 - 28-2-1944.

There was 17 survivors, were picked up by HMS Impulsive, but 1 sailor died shortly afterwards and was buried at sea.